What happens when an artist, a scientist, and a forester go into a forest for a day? The answer is captured in this wonderful visual representation of their feedback to the KFCG trustees, following the time they spent together in Kilsture last October.

This was the first part of a two day research and development project to explore how working across disciplines could help KFCG deepen understanding of Kilsture’s ecosystem and engage more people, especially young people, in our partnership with FLS to manage the forest.
Who we are
Artist - Morag Paterson - Artist based in Southern Uplands. "I used to work predominantly in photography, but now increasingly in alternative processes, exploring that intersection between art and science. I also work a lot with communities and forestry, so now the two things have merged together."
Scientist - Dr Petra Guy - Plant Data Scientist/Fungal Ecologist. "I've worked in Woodland Ecology for 10 years, previously I was a physicist. So a science, mathsy background, but it is my love of plants, woodland and fungi that has pushed me over to the woodland ecology side of things."
Forester - Andy McQueen - Forester "I am independent forester based right in Moffat, involved in lots of aspects of commercial forestry, but increasingly interested in growing a wider range of species for timber including native species which you have a lot of."
With thanks to D&G Climate Hub, Scottish Forestry, GSAB and D&G Woodland for supporting this project