Kilsture Forest Community Group (KFCG) is a charity, set up in December 2020, to manage Kilsture Forest in partnership with Forest Land Scotland, to protect the forest and for the benefit of the community.
A Bit of History
The origins of KFCG lie in its successful 2018 campaign to save the forest from being sold by Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS), into private hands. The community rallied around the campaign and the depth of feeling expressed was instrumental in reversing the planned disposal. Rather than buying the forest, KFCG opted for a partnership with FLS to manage the woodland. We started with a volunteer agreement to carry out essential path maintenance work by a group of volunteers who meet weekly in the forest. We progressed up the management ladder by signing a Memorandum of Understanding with FLS in March 2024. This formalises our role as representing community interests by having a greater involvement and responsibility in the future management of Kilsture.
Our Mission
To ensure the well-being of the forest and access for local communities now and for future generations.

Our Ethos
​KFCG works with and in the forest in a respectful way, putting the forest’s well-being at the centre of our planning, communications and activities
Our Goals
to help create the conditions for Kilsture forest’s ecosystem to thrive
to ensure that everyone in the Machars and beyond feels welcome and can access and enjoy the forest
to develop our knowledge and understanding of the forest to fulfil our role as co-custodians of Kilsture

How is KFCG organised?
KFCG is a membership organisation, with a board of trustees. KFCG is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). SCIO NO: SC050634 
For more information about the way KFCG is governed please request a copy of our constitution in the form below.
Our thanks to our funders and partners:
Dumfries and Galloway Woodlands
Forestry and Land Scotland
Future Woodlands
Galloway and South Ayrshire Biosphere
Kilgallioch Windfarm Community Fund
Newton Stewart Adult Resource Centre
Penkiln Sawmill and Builders Merchants
Scottish Forestry South Scotland Conservancy
South West Scotland Environmental Information Centre
Whithorn Rebuild
Wigtown Community Shop
Wigtownshire Homestart