Citizen Science
All visitors to the forest are encouraged to record wildlife they see to help us get as full a picture as possible of what is in the forest, so we are better able to protect it. All records are of interest and value, from the most common species in the forest, to the rarest.
South West Scotland Environmental Information Centre (SWSEIC) is supporting this activity,
click here for information about how to record and share what you see.
For upcoming events go to our events page.
For past events in our Citizen Science Programme please check here.
Record what you see!
Everyone can be a citizen scientist. Download the iNaturalist app, link below, look for Kilsture Forest in Projects and see what’s there.
All records made in the forest will go straight to our project page.
Or write what you see on the notice board by the car park. All sightings are shared monthly with SWSEIC.

“KFCG has understood the importance of addressing woodland health and biodiversity in a holistic manner. They are harnessing their professionalism, local knowledge and passion for the site to build understanding of the woodland as a fully connected functioning ecosystem and asking essential cutting edge questions, such as how do we use plant soil interactions to improve biodiversity.”
Dr Petra Guy – Woodland Ecologist specialising in mycorrhizal fungi contribution to woodland ecosystem function.
The more we know about the forest, the better we are able to protect it.